Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Bad Art

I've really been loving "bad" or simple art (And I don't mean that in a negative way in the least). Particularly David Shrigley, Julia Pott, Chris Johanson, my friend John Kessling (http://johnpaulkesling.com/home.html), and this guy Ian Stevenson. So much of their work seems like they had a inside joke with their pals and quickly threw it down on paper without muddying it up with tight lines and rendering. It's just pure artistic humor. The looseness with which these artists work and the feeling of spontaneity in their line and application of color make you feel as if you are being passed a funny note in an important meeting. Some people take art pretty seriously. And anyone who knows me knows that there's nothing that I enjoy more than making light of something serious.

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